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Implementation of the “Marketing Factory”-Concept
Global Soft Drink STAR

Our client suspected that in marketing existed many recurring processes that are used frequently (daily or weekly) and run always in the same way or, at least, in a similar way. Furthermore it was assumed that many of these processes have not been standardized or even automated to increase marketing productivity.

Our task was to identify recurrent standard processes an, to harmonise them across borders, to standardise and automate them where possible.

To cope with this extraordinary task, we first defined a pilot country. For this country we described the main processes in various workshops with various marketing experts and with affiliated service departments in reverse. We approximated the actual processes backwards from the supermarket shelf or the TV commercial. Subsequently, we prioritised the main processes and analysed the top 5 detailed in a discovery phase. Our final concept for the future we called “The Marketing Factory” and pointed out in detail for all 5 processes, how they could be standardised, automated and harmonised. In the Pan-European coordination of the concept, in turn, three initiatives were agreed, which we implemented in 28 countries.

Today our client has got more than 65 Marketing Factories worldwide, where packaging processes, campaign adaptations, approval and digital right management processes run standardised and partly automated. Two years after the implementation of the Marketing Factory-concept out client has saved more than 20 million euros real costs and avoided more than 30 million euros extra costs.

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